Teens and excessive screen time - KOAT News - November 8, 2021


Teens’ screen time during the Pandemic has more than doubled

On this week’s ABC affiliate KOAT News Morning Segment in New Mexico, our director, Lisa Honold spoke about amount of time teens are spending on their devices and how parents can assist their teens in reducing that amount.

While increased amounts of screen time as children get older is normal, the Journal of American Medical Association Pediatrics study shows that high amounts of screen time are associated with more stress and poor mental health.

Parents can help their teens reduce their screen time by making sure screens are off at night and set aside some time in the evenings when everyone is device-free.

For more information on this topic, see our related article Too much screen time for kids! JAMA Pediatrics study and what parents can do.


Parental controls for TikTok, YouTube and Snapchat


Too much screen time for kids! JAMA Pediatrics study and what parents can do